Archive | September 2016

“Only Massive CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, in Every City, Town and Village in the United States, Can Bring About the Abrupt But Imperative Changes in the U. S. Government and People’s Lifestyles Today to Make a Difference Fighting Climate Change”


First and foremost, there must be “POWER TO THE PEOPLE” (Lennon). Then, all the world’s countries must “GIVE PEACE A CHANCE” (Lennon).

Then, and only then, do we stand any chance of beating global warming. We must stand by each other, whenever there is trouble, as did John and Yoko in “STAND BY ME” (Ben E King). And as geese do, when they migrate. See “Goose Story”

And, more than anything else, they must CARE. Care for their fellow human beings, be they brown, yellow, gray, tiny, white, red, black, have special needs, in prison, whatever their particular differences might be; and all the world’s animal species, future generations of every living thing, and for themselves, the oceans and the billions of species dependent on it, and the Creator. Earth Day 51 must work to these ends, and succeed. Anything else is selfish and unacceptable.